Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mitts! Lookie I made mitts!

With cute cabled owls, no less. This was my first time doing crochet cables, and I'm glad I only had to do a few of the bpdc... those suckers are tricky.

The thumb hole is a little big for my hand- and I'm considering adding the top part to keep my fingers warm-- because well, I get cold hands. And add to that, it's been extra cold for these parts, and tonight its supposed to get down to 13 F. Yeah, and the 3-4 inches of sleet, it's not going anywhere...

But for some reason, the geranium bits that were cut off the plant TWO SUMMERS AGO-- well, they think its time to be blooming. Go figure.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Its 3 am and the phone rings...

so, I've been having problems sleeping through the night.
I keep waking up - usually around 1:30 or 2, but sometimes I make it until 3.
Sometimes the kids wake me up, sometimes a pinecone hitting the roof-- tonight it was someone calling the wrong number from a motel over an hour away. Of course I didn't know it was a wrong number, as I was DEAD asleep (yea!) and it was 3am.
Cause only emergancy calls arrive at 3am.
sheesh. now I am up & I want to sleep. Plus, I had a root canal yesterday & now I'm hungry & really don't want soup or cottage cheese at 4 in the morning. bugger. I gress I'm a bit grouchy with out sleep. I'll end my rant & try to find something soft to mush/eat & crawl back in bed for an hour.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm very tired. Have been for months now... but now I think I've got my nights & days mixed up like a baby, or like how I was when I would switch from third shift to first when I was working in the bakery.
At night I'm tired & cranky & exhausted, but I can't sleep. Mornings are okay- but I've always been a morning person. But by 11:00 I'm dieing. My head is screaming, I feel dehydrated, and hungover. Those of you that know me will know that is a feeling, because I don't drink.

In fact, I bought a six pact of a special limited edition beer back in the fall. I bought it 1) because I was having beer drinking company and 2) for beer bread. The guest brought their own beer, knowing I don't drink. SO, here it is almost the middle of January & I still have 3 bottles in my fridge.. But a little pumpkin spiced beer bread will be good, even in April right? I hope so.

Tomorrow I am taking my bread machine into work for our "cooking" segment. My ideas are limited due to the fact that my cooking equipment available is a microwave & a Otis Spunkmire Cookie Oven. *REALLY*

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow on the Mountain

Okay, Okay. This isn't a current photo. But there is SNOW on the mountain. MUCH MORE Snow than this photo represents. That's because THIS photo was taken on my birthday, back in April 2009... But Maggie May LOVES the snow & I love this photo of her!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snowy Project Updates!

Snowy Project Updates!

Well, I've been on a snowflake kick-- and I managed to make a few for our tree before the Holidays. Also, I've been searching for some STAR patterns, verses just 6 point snowflakes.

In my various web searches, (or crawls as they were back with dial-up) I came across a wonderful blog where the author was a participant in a program called Snowflake Monday. The blog was Snowcatcher, Here on blogspot. Unfortunately, her amazing snowflake patterns & post stopped in October of 2009. Maybe she will be back, as I myself haven't been a loyal blogger this past Fall. Shoot, this past forever.
Oh wow- by blindly folloing a few links I wound back on Ravelry & to the Snowcatcher blog. Apparently she has been a better blogger than I & continued to post a new orginal snowflake pattern each Monday. ( I'm totally impressed.) I added her as a friend so I caould keep up with her new patterns, so hopefully she won't think I'm some physco stalker...

Oh- but back to the Star pattern...


I messed up a bit with the stitch placement- because well, I guess I just can't count AND crochet at the same time. (I really hate patterns where I need to count.)

This one hasn't been blocked yet, but is sorta the same pattern.

My star pre blocking

I like them. In fact, I'm planning on sending the pattern, some of my fingering weitght cotton (DUDE, I'm SO NOT a thread crocheter.) and a Clover Soft Touch 2.5mm hook. I "taught" her to crochet last summer by taking step by step photos for a pattern she wanted to make. I'm talking 78 photos for the first two rounds of a star shaped afghan. Every Step. But she made the blanket & it is a winner. More & Better than any of my afghans. I swear.
Oh. I'm sending it to her because she decorates her Holiday tree with stars. Sweet.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

WE now have internet at home!

And it's not dial-up!
I canceled our Dial-up just after making my November payment... And of course they offered me 2 months free, and then continue billing me---"Just in case." I figured if I kept it, I'd never get the cable guy out here to connect the high speed.
AND Guess WHAT? It took over a month without internet at home for me to finally get them here. oh that favorite holiday recipe that I couldn't find-- and couldn't check either. err. And how exactly do I Fdc? That scrap of paper is here *somewhere*... And mom needs to know what needles were recommended for the yarn I sent her... What? No Ravelry at home. HELLLLLP!

So, Thursday I called the cable company. Oh. Closed for New Years Eve.
So Friday I called. oooh. New Years Day. (I had to work, why doesn't every one else?)
Saturday, in the parking lot before his God-daughter's Baptism, my brother tries calling from his fancy-smancy new car (which won't reconginze his voice commands, but follows mine with no problem!) We get the automated voice mail system...
SO, Monday I get online & start the ordering process. First available appointment in the morning was for Friday (2 days from today.) So I call the local number-- the office is about 3 minutes from my doorstep. I get transferred to who knows where by THAT automated answerer... First available morning appointment was Today! gave them my info & now I'm skipping office work this morning to type this! From home. In my flannel pj's! Yea!