Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April!

The Pollen is OUT. I had another root canal. Winter Term of HPKCHC is over. MC is on Intersession. I've made tons of amazing projects that I need to share. B is learning to use the Knifty Knitter. (seriously.) I made the best chicken pot pie E V E R. I need a hair cut. I still hate folding laundry. I'm out of loaf bread. I need to pack clothes for a weekend in the mountains. I have a nagging feeling that I forgot to write down an appointment. The bathroom sink is sparkly clean. (I'm pretending to be using Flylady.) This weekend= big trip to Sams Club & restock the pantry shopping. (ugh- just typing that one makes me tired.) Okay. I'm off for more antibiotics & ibuprofen & bed. But that's my update. And I'm sticking to it. More later. Maybe.

1 comment:

dinah34 said...

i pretend to be flylady sometimes too. lol. :)